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Kerstin Hoff

Who am I?

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Rapid Transformational Therapy®

by Marisa Peer


Marisa Peer

Founder of RTT®

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Meine Geschichte

Ich wurde im Süden Deutschlands geboren und bin in Tübingen aufgewachsen.

Meine Freude an der Pflanzenwelt führte mich dazu, nach meinem Abitur eine Ausbildung zur Staudengärtnerin im Botanischen Garten der Universität Tübingen zu absolvieren. Daraufhin entschied ich mich für ein Studium in Landschaftsarchitektur an der Fachhochschule Weihenstephan in Freising.

Später habe ich die Teamarbeit vermisst und wollte kein Ellenbogentyp werden. Der Wunsch mit Menschen zu arbeiten, anderen Menschen zu helfen und einen positiven Beitrag für die Gesellschaft zu leisten, bekam mehr Raum in mir, weshalb ich eine weitere Ausbildung als Altenpflegerin absolvierte und diesen Beruf 16 Jahre lang ausübte. In dieser Zeit habe ich sehr viel über den menschlichen Körper, die Emotionen, die Psyche und den Geist gelernt. Seit 2015 liegt mein Wohnsitz in der Schweiz.

Als Hypnosetherapeutin kann ich anderen das weiterzugeben, was ich selbst in meiner persönlichen Entwicklung als sehr hilfreich und prägnant erlebt habe. Ich habe in meinem eigenen Leben erfahren, welche transformative Kraft die RTT® hat und bin zu 100% von ihrer Wirksamkeit überzeugt.


Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ is a contemporary therapeutic intervention that focuses on effective, solution-oriented and evidence-based Techniques based to achieve quick results, i.e. um Make positive changes in clients.

The roots of RTT® lie in areas of traditional psychotherapy such as Gestalt therapy, solution-focused and kcognitive behavioral therapy, NLP, hypnotherapy and mindfulness.


In a personalized approach, one works with clients to help them reformulate negative beliefs, values, habits, and emotions—many of which they have carried around since childhood.

Often these are buried so deep in their subconscious that they are unaware of the past problems from which they arose.

By giving the client the opportunity to change their mindset and put an end to negative self-talk, they can approach life positively and move forward.


How does it work?

In contrast to traditional hypnotherapy, RTT® does not only rely on positive reinforcement. RTT® goes beyond this and focuses on finding out how, where and when unhelpful beliefs and behaviors were formed. It then uses the leading scientific principles of neuroplasticity to allow the creation of new neural pathways in the brain.

The tools and techniques that make RTT® a distinctive therapeutic approach are not purely theoretical. They were developed by renowned therapist and best-selling author Marisa Peer over the course of her 30-year career. Through hands-on experience, Marisa was able to identify what drove real change, with real clients, in real sessions.

How does RTT® differ from other therapies?

RTT® helps the client find the root cause of why they feel the way they do. Unlike other therapies that focus on the problem or challenge, RTT® helps the client discover the origin of the beliefs and behaviors that led to their problem, then using a unique set of tools and RTT® techniques to assist the client in transforming their current problem and better moving forward with a set of new, more beneficial and positive beliefs.

What can I expect from a session?

Your RTT® expert will help you reach a deeply relaxed state so you can focus on past events. As a client, you work with your RTT® professional to uncover the meaning and interpretation you gave to what happened at the time, and the beliefs you formed from it. You can then move on to reshaping the way you view your past from today's adult perspective.


Once this is achieved, your RTT® expert will help you develop new, positive beliefs. This is done through a personalamplified audio tailored for you to listen to for 21-30 days to create positive change in the future.

Is the qualification as an RTT® Practitioner recognised?

The Rapid Transformational Therapy® was developed by Marisa Peer in üDeveloped over thirty years and the RTT school was launched in 2015 to train therapists around the world in this modality.

The RTT method was launched in 2021 with the aim of creating an evidence base for RTT. For the modality to be better recognized, we must demonstrate the results it achieves and the speed at which it works through irrefutable research. Often, after a single session, clients are able to let go of negative self-beliefs that are often buried deep in their subconscious. This makes it possible for them to to live their best life.


RTT® Training School is proud to be accredited as a training provider by recognized professional bodies around the world. This means that we have demonstrated that our programs meet the educational quality and learning standards set by these accrediting bodies.

Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT) training programs are supported by:

General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR) International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT) International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) International Hypnosis Federation (IHF) Accredited Counselors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists (ACCPH) Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists (ASCH) – RTT®️® live on site only, New Zealand Association of Professional Hypnotherapists (NZAPH), International Coaches Register (ICR), International Hypnosis Association (I HA), Dutch Association of Hypnotherapists (Nederlandse Beroepsvereniging van Hypnotherapeuten)

Note: This text is translated. EEnglish original text on: What is RTT? | About Rapid Transformational Therapy and Hypnotherapy


background information

Marisa Peer is a world-renowned speaker, therapist, and best-selling author with over three decades of experience. She was named Best British Therapist by Men's Health magazine and featured in Tatler's Guide to Britain's 250 Best Doctors. She uses her experience treating patients such as rock stars, CEOs, Olympic athletes, royalty and Oscar-winning actors as inspiration for her life-changing speeches and lectures. She has been voted best speaker at numerous conferences including The Mastermind Group London, the Women in Business Superconference and Awesomeness Fest 2015.

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Marisa Peer has appeared on the following media channels:

• Tedx

• sky

• BBC 4

• BBC 5

• Channel 4

• Sunday Times

• Closer


• VH1


Marisa Peer has spoken at the following events:

• Be:Fit annual event

• Business Excellence Forum and Awards

• Cambridge Colleges Commendation Speakers

• Edinburgh Festival

• INSPIRE conference

• Mind, Body, Mind and Spirit Festival

• Mind Valley

• St Mary's College of Ascot

• Supergrowth Conference

• The Yes Group speaker series

• We are like-minded people

• Women in Business: Super Conference

• Women in banking and finance

© Marisa Peer - Dez 2018

RTT was carried out by Marisa Peer in the following companies:

• Academy of Managers 

• Bauer Media sales team

• Conde Nast

• Disney

• Ernest and Young

• Google


• Marks and Spencer

• Mizuho Bank

• Penguin

• The Mastermind Agency

• Wigan football team


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Note: This text is translated. Original English text and photos courtesy of RTT®️ school provided.

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